Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sketch of me by Ryerson Student Jamie Ferenczi

let`s hope that my wisdom was as full as my chins...

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Anthology of Creative Non-Fiction, due out August 2011

Slice Me Some Truth: An anthology of Canadian creative non-fiction

by Luanne Armstrong and Zoë Landale
August 2011
350 pages | ISBN: 978-1-894987-60-8

Luanne Armstrong and Zoë Landale have put together a thorough survey of the growing body of Canadian creative non-fiction, covering the areas of memoir, personal essay, cultural journalism, lyric essay and nature or place essays. These works are only a sampling of the diversity of Canadian writing, but together they create the best possible beginning for the exploration of this intriguing genre.

And yes, I have a piece in it!!