Sunday, March 26, 2006

If anybody has found themselves here for whatever reason, welcome. Do please send a greeting so I know that it isn't all radio silence out there. I've no idea where this thing is going or how it will relate to the web-site I really ought to be making, but it's a small toddler step into cyberspace on the occasion of publishing a novel and wanting to invite dialogue from readers.

So hello whoever you are, and do drop in!



Anonymous said...

never blogged before...but I just finished reading your book...really enjoyed it...I have 3 sons who play violin and piano...i've heard my oldest(he's just finished 1st year mcgill -History and Music Theory)say some of things you wrote the music stuff rang true...loved your writing...looking forward to your next novel...

Susan Glickman said...

Thanks so much for your good wishes! Tell your son that I wrote a lot of the book at the music library at U of T with wonderful stuff coming from all the practice rooms around me. I really felt lucky to be there.
